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Winning at Copywriting – How to Craft Compelling Offers in Any Market


If you’re selling a product in a new or unfamiliar market, you’ll need to craft a compelling message to effectively connect with your audience.

It’s your moment. You’re ready to go to market after all the hard work, but you don’t want to sound like a jumbling mess or exactly like every one else in your market.

Why Copywriting Matters

If you just throw something together without a strategy based on your audience, you’re going to get lost in the noise.

On average, you’ve got about 5-8 seconds and about 50 characters to make your social media post effective.

All this while trying to find the words to reassure unfamiliar consumers to feel like they needed your product’s benefits yesterday!

That’s quite a bridge to gap.

I’m going to share the same strategies used by the world’s largest corporations to go-to-market. They don’t spend thousands on research and development on their product, just to wing the offer and copywriting.

To start, high familiarity means they know all about your category of offer.

Low familiarity means they know little about your category.

Good Copywriting Is An Advantage, Bad Copy is a Weak Link

Your job is to understand where they are and speak to their needs. Not to your own awesomeness.

Truth is, the market you’re operating in can be at different levels of readiness for what you’re selling. Buyers in the market may not be familiar or actively looking for what you’re offering.

If your market is familiar, you can speak more to the benefits and features, what makes your product (and especially people) unique.

If they’re unfamiliar, you’ll need to be ready to help them along the journey a bit more.

Try getting them get to that moment you bought something that changed your life after you got it.

Like once you bought a car with leather upholstery, you realize you need to care for it.

They’ll need to know more about what goes into the solution and how it achieves a certain result.

So, What are the Priorities?

  • Understand your prospect
  • Use empathetic writing
  • Tailor it for your audience, and avoid making it about you or the product
  • Have a solid header or subject, test and measure
  • Clearly define the benefits
  • Capture their imagination
  • Have a clear and low friction call to action
  • Your content should educate, energize and familiarize people with the benefits of your product, in order to position it’s benefits as a priority.

I don’t know the rules of grammar. If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.

David Ogilvy

Before You Write

When writing copy for a new market, consider the following:

  • What benefits of your product are new & unfamiliar?
  • Will buyers gain an advantage if they buy your product?
  • Who are you selling it to and what are they familiar with?
  • How is this going to improve their lives?
  • How would someone talk in everyday conversation, if they were to share it with a friend?
  • Which words and phrases naturally fit into that conversation?
  • What words should you try to avoid (especially technical jargon that could be misunderstood)?
  • How can you help people make a decision about your product or service, by clearly communicating it’s benefits along with the top features and advantages?
  • What types of content would interest your audience?
  • How does your offer fit into that format?

Consider those factors now against these two ad copy examples :

Example #1: “Think of our product as a way to help you care for your baby’s skin with a gentle, natural soap that is tear-free and hypoallergenic. All the ingredients are plant based with no animal testing or by-products.”

Example #2: “Our all natural, organic soap is only made with pure plant-based ingredients. And yes, it’s mild enough for newborns!”

Which example would you be more likely to share with a friend?

In Example #2 the benefits of the product are concise, and the tone of voice is more natural (less like they’re reading from a brochure).

An Experience is Worth a Thousand Words

However, it’s not enough to educate people on the benefits of your product. Your content needs to be memorable and leap off the page at them in order to cut through the clutter as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Market based visuals are a great way to quickly win the attention of the user. From selecting video, pictures, diagrams, colors and even audio, there’s a good chance a combination of these can help you win the 5-7 seconds you need to get your point across.

Even a simple selfie or behind the scenes video can help you connect. We tend to gravitate to the simple and authentic experiences that help us understand what someone has to say.

The more excitement you can get across, the better!

Copywriting – The Sauce

Using these factors as a foundation can help you create compelling copy that engages readers and converts new customers.

Look to share persuasive writing that:

  • Meets them where they’re at
  • Prioritizes benefits and value, then possibly advantages and features
  • Captures your audience’s imagination
  • Gives a clear call to action
  • Has a hook. A “thing” to help you stand out in your own brand’s voice

Connect, to Give Them An Experience

If you’re selling a product in a new or unfamiliar market, it’s important to include compelling copy that quickly hooks readers and converts new customers effectively.

Conveying something meaningful, fun, funny or uniquely creative helps readers feel like they already know your product.

This helps them see themselves using it and benefiting from it.

Effective use of visuals and effective copywriting is a winning combination. It’s doesn’t have to be video (although it’s everywhere). Provide something that quickly tells them how their life will improve once they accept your offer.

If you can, provide an complimentary intro period or a sample of your product. This will allow them to further engage.

NFTs What?

They’re here to stay. Get used to them. Getting in early on Instagram, etc got people TONs of traction early. Same goes for NFT’s. But the key idea is decentralization vs a centralized platform.

NFTs are actually a great way to get engagement with your brand. They can help you reach a new segment of customers and keep your existing customer’s engaged as well!

Also, NFT’s are a great way to bridge the gap of demographics, boost engagement and build rapport with your audience.

Copywriting Flows Everywhere

In summary, try to provide a unique experience tailored for the one reader who would be interested in your offer.

And don’t fear casting too small of a net. Segmentation let’s you repeat this process to fine tune an offer for another type of reader.

Ultimately, copywriting is the art of persuasive writing. Content is an opportunity to energize your audience and help your business stand out in a crowded “copy and paste” market.

Cause believe, that’s what the competition is doing. You’ll soon be crushing them BTW.

That my winning friends, is where refined copywriting can make all the difference.

Go Forth and Conquer

If you need help with anything email marketing, copywriting, NFTs, email or web please let us know!

We specialize in connecting businesses with their audiences to fuel communities, freedom and legacies via a variety of marketing solutions.

Our team is ready to partner with you on crafting a customer based marketing strategy that generates sales, by considering your customers 1st.

Say Hello!

Which of these persuasive neuroscience principles have you seen work well recently? We’d love to hear! Feel free to comment below.