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The Copy Writing Framework


Why is copywriting important?

  • Increased LTV of your customer
  • Long term brand building
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Better SEO
  • Saving thousands on ads & other resources
  • Increased ROI across all your marketing efforts. All of them.

Below is a framework to enable you to win at writing offers more consistently.

The Framework (PAS+)

When you’re ready to fill it out, and want to do so quicker, go in this order C D E A B F G.

The final applied version for reading will be in standard order (ABC..)

A) Problem (The Hook):

Clearly and concisely state the high priority problem that they need to act on (and you can help them with).

“People are more likely to act to avoid pain, than to get gain.”  Dan Kennedy – Copywriter

Focus on:

  • Simple and agreeable sentence that shows you understand. One sentence if possible.
  • Getting them to move onto the next line. Try an open story loop.
    Show you understand the problem as best possible (language and all)
    Clearly bringing up the pain, in order to help them transform & solve for it.


Problem Example:

“You know you need effective copy to convert leads into customers, but you don’t have the time to learn it & write it yourself. “

            A.1) Clearly State the Problem
  • Your customer’s high priority problem that you’re helping them with:

    document your findings.

B) Agitation:

Pause and agitate the problem with specific examples.

Why restate it? Pain subsides. Prior & possibly current pains get numb. People forget it, get lazy or get distracted and they aren’t likely to solve a pain that’s become temporarily numb.

Agitate Example:
“It’s costing you time, money, and sales trying to learn how to effectively write copy for every type of marketing effort in your business. And when you’re in business, you’re not just what you do, you are a marketer.”

            B.1) Agitations to Your Customer’s Problem (With specific examples):

document your findings



C)     Solutions Comparison & Contrast:

Present solutions they may have already tried. People compare, so you want to talk about the weaknesses of other solutions.

Also, set your solution up as as the ideal solution, for your one reader (The Give)

Example of Solutions Comparison:    

Frustrated with staring at a blank page when it comes to writing copy?

Tired of leaving your company’s messaging, budget and ad spend to a marketing company?

Not sure if agencies are missing the mark while you waste money and lose conversion opportunities?

            C.1) Your Solutions Comparison & Contrast   

document your findings

D)     The Give. Intro of Your Product:

Introduce and talk about your product. You know it best. Share the most impactful benefits. As well as data from the VOC.

Intro Example : “Introducing Tony Atlas’ Copywriting Agency, the effective & easy to work with copywriting team, ready to increase conversions for your busy small business.”
Tony Atlas’ team of experienced copywriters can help you connect with more customers. We’ll generate high-quality, conversion-focused copy for your website, landing pages, emails, and more.

Then, give a summary of what your product is, in the way that your one reader needs to hear it said (your voice).

            D.1) The Give. Intro for Your One Reader:

document your findings

E)     Why:

Why is your product or service the answer to my prayers? Why should I be interested? Why will I love it? Why would I share this with others on my team? Why was it created? What am I getting here that no one else can give me? e.g. Add customer review data, use cases, history & future of the product, clearly state how it’s different, where, when or who made it.

Why Example: “You got into business to do things on your terms and to have more time, resources and freedom.

What if you could increase your effectiveness by consistently getting more leads AND converting them at a higher rate?”

            E.1) Why is this REALLY important to your customers and potential prospects:

document your findings



F)     Try:

This is when you get to show the product in action ( No As-Seen-On-TV demo needed ).
You want go from telling people, to now showing them.

Your reader is now product aware and moving toward becoming most aware.

Get them to experience a sense of excitement about the solution your product provides.

This is a great place to share testimonials from users, supported by screenshots, star ratings and other forms of proof.

You can use a video if it won’t take away from the flow of the overall story, for your one reader.

Here’s where you’d list a write-up from a notable publication. It’s also where you can mention an endorsement or recommendation, such as a professional organization or a board.

The Try section is tied to the previous Why section. There can be a bit of overlap between them, that’s normal.  

Complete the Try and Why sections before moving into the closing section, Buy.

            F.1) Your Invitation for Your Customer to Try (excitement, endorsements, testimonials/reviews):

document your findings



G)     Buy:

This is when your one offer stands out in vivid contrast and detail. Bring out the bubbly and offer a glass to your reader.

The Buy section is where you add:

Testimonials – Your best and most relevant testimonials, like ones about how excited someone was with their purchase and the types of immediate impact and life improvements they achieved.

A guarantee

Persuasion methods This is the section where persuasion methods actually work.

Group mentality reinforcement / proof – Usually, people feel safer making decisions with others in a group also making them. You can appeal to group mentality in the buy section by reassuring your reader with proof  & expertise elements.

Buy Example: “Join over 5,000 businesses that have increased their conversions at all touchpoints by moving successfully from complex copywriting troubles and wasted resources, to the ease and effectiveness of working with our copywriting team.”

            G.1) Buy

document your findings


Making Sure Your Buy Section is Clear and Effective

Because this section is featuring your offer most prominently, ask yourself:

What action do I want them to take?
What’s the most important benefit(s) they’ll get and how can I share a testimonial with this in mind?
Are the benefits clearly stated in a readable format like a listicle?
What can be removed to make space for the most important elements?
Where is there any opportunity for my reader to misunderstand my offer?
How can I make this clearer?
Can you lessen the risk of choosing you by offering a trial period, smaller initial engagement or guarantee?
How can I ensure I’m clearly advocating for my one reader?
Can you increase the urgency of purchasing by adding a limited bonus?

Increasing the effectiveness of your offer via this framework

Overall, the prep, customer data and flow is important in the framework stack as they all support one another.

However, spend extra time on the hook (Problem) and buy sections. Comb over them and get as much feedback as you can.

This is because, even though many won’t make it to the bottom of your message, the ones that do are usually the ones you can convert.

If you use heatmaps within your website, and you see how the engagement cools the further down the page you go, just remember, the people who make it to the Buy section are going to actually read the Buy section!

Compel them to purchase and to receive your give, result or transformation.

Truly, you’re not doing the convincing. They must convince themselves. You’re only looking out for them as best you can.

But you’re writing messaging to help sustain and grow your business & legacy, so don’t play it too cool. Add your own style of subtle contemporary elements and voicing. Attitude and style go a long way to help you stand out when done tastefully. Just don’t over do it.

“Proceed & conquer, the rain sequence has begun.”

Try to make your offer sound like the only one like it. Original, natural & relatable, so the reader has no other choice and will naturally want to accept your invitation.

Editing – Post Draft


The goal of each sentence is to get your one reader to keep reading the next sentence and eventually, get to the buy section.

Don’t make it about you or the product. Keep It About the Customer/Prospect and how you can genuinely give. I can’t state this enough, it’s truth.

Write lots of bad copy. Get feedback, get rest, then fix and repeat using the tools provided below. You’ll get a feel and flow for it. Trust the process.

There is no ideal length for good copy. The simpler the better. Ultimately, the length depends on the reader, the market, format, project goal, platform, your position and the levels of awareness.

Do not … address your readers as though they were gathered together in a stadium. When people read your copy, they are alone. Pretend you are writing to each of them a letter on behalf of your client.” 
David Ogilvy – Entrepreneur / Copywriter

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